The School Day

The school gate opens at 8:30 a.m. and children are welcomed into school from that time. The school gate is then closed at 8.40 a.m. and the school day starts with registers marked by 8.45 a.m.

breakfast club is available in school from 7.30 – 8.30 a.m.

The school day ends at 3.00pm.

Seasonal extracurricular after school clubs are held each afternoon until 4.15 pm, with extended care available from 4:15pm 5:30pm – further information is available from the school office.

In a typical week school is open for a compulsory total of 32.5 hours.

Collective Worship

Daily acts of Collective Worship take different forms throughout the week:

Monday – Roots and Fruits Value.

Tuesday – Visiting clergy and singing worship alternately.

Wednesday – Worship based on current affairs, global events or what is happening in the world around us (Picture News).

Thursday – Reflection on either the Roots and Fruits value or the current affairs and global events (Picture News). Children are split into House Groups and thoughts and ideas are captured in a Big Reflection Book for each House.

Friday – Celebration Collective Worship.

Links with St Giles Church Bletchingdon are strong and bi-weekly visits are made by Clergy and other members of the church to lead the school in an act of collective worship. The school contributes to Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter services at St Giles Church.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship but are encouraged to talk about this with the headteacher before making a decision.


There is a break of 15 minutes in the morning.  As a healthy-eating school, we ask that children bring fruit or vegetables, rather than crisps, sweets or biscuits if they wish to eat at break-times.

Lunchtime & School Lunch Menu

We are very pleased to be able to offer healthy hot lunches prepared each day on-site in our own kitchens by Let’s Eat (Oxfordshire County Council).

Children can choose their menu choice (from the menu below) at registration time each day or they may of course bring their own packed lunch if they wish.

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.65 to be paid via ParentPay in advance.

Lunch Menu

For any further assistance with lunches or allergy queries please do speak to the school office.

Absence from School

In the case of a child’s absence from school for medical reasons, parents should phone into school by 9.00 a.m. and also provide the child with a note of explanation on his/her return to school.  In line with county procedures if a child is not in school for registration (8.45 a.m.)and no explanation is made by 9.30 a.m. a call will be made from school to find the reason for the absence.  In the case of long absences as a result of illness the school should be informed as soon as possible of the reason.

If children are absent from school for dental or medical appointments, parents should inform the class teacher the previous day.

If children have medical appointments during the day they must be collected by the parent. We cannot take responsibility for releasing young children during the school day.

In accordance with guidance from the Department for Education, please note that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Helping in School

There are a variety of ways in which parents support us in school.  These include working in the classroom with individuals or small groups, perhaps reading with children, cooking, sewing or helping with a craft activity.  Parents also help with visits, or in ways which do not involve working with children such as photocopying, making games, or in enhancing the school environment.

Please contact us if you have the time and would like to help in any way.  We will very much appreciate your involvement.


Safer Recruitment

The school adheres to the local authority’s safer recruitment good practice and guidance when employing new staff. All our staff have either been List 99 checked or hold a relevant Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.  School governors are also List 99 / DBS checked.

Child Protection

We believe ‘Every Child Matters’ and that: being healthy, staying emotionally and physically safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and economic well-being are fundamental in developing the whole child. As such, we all acknowledge the importance of age-appropriate Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Emotional education. Our confidentiality policy is linked to the school’s PSHCE, drug education, R.E, equal opportunities, child protection, and anti-bullying policies. Within its broad and balanced curriculum, we also promote the British Fundamental Values – democracy, rule of law, mutual respect, tolerance of others’ beliefs and faiths and individual liberty.

All staff members have a general duty to inform the Headteacher (who at Bletchingdon Primary School is also the Child Protection Officer) of disclosures by a pupil as well as any concerns relating to pupil exposure to extremism. All staff have completed the online ‘Prevent Duty’ training.  If the disclosure directly relates to the Headteacher, the staff member must contact the Safeguarding Governor.

We recognise that sometimes there may be family issues which might affect a pupil and which the family will only disclose to us if they can be sure the information will be treated confidentially.  We will respect the wishes of the family and where it is felt necessary to share the information given to us, this will be discussed with the parent first unless a pupil is considered to be at immediate risk or there is an overriding child protection concern.

If a member of the school community receives information where they believe a child protection issue is addressed, they should refer the case to the Headteacher.

Internet Safety

As part of our curriculum we encourage pupils to make use of educational resources available on the Internet. Access to the Internet enables pupils to conduct research and obtain high quality educational resources from libraries, museums, galleries and other information sources from around the world. As well as using the internet for research purposes, we are also aware that many pupils use electronic devices outside school to play games on and as a means of social networking.

In order to help keep your children safe we ask that, in partnership, you look at the resources on:

Medical Information

Please let us know if your child has a medical condition when s/he is admitted to school.

Accidents/Illness in School

Where an accident occurs at school and it is felt that treatment/advice should be sought, then the parents/emergency contact will be notified immediately.  In extreme circumstances, particularly where no contact can be made, the Headteacher will make the necessary arrangements and act in ‘loco parentis’ for the benefit of the child.

When a child becomes ill in school where possible we always contact parents since you know your own child best and can make the necessary decisions as to whether or not they need medical attention.  Where parental contact cannot be made we notify the emergency contact given on the School Admission Form.

For this reason it is essential that we have an emergency contact number and that this is updated as necessary.

Medicines in School

It is not routinely possible for school staff to administer medication to children other than that taken on a ‘permanent’ basis e.g. for asthma or in exceptional cases. However, If your child is taking a course of prescribed medicine, and you are unable to administer at midday then please ask at the office for the necessary forms.

Parents of children who suffer from asthma are asked to consult with their child’s teacher about the use of an inhaler.  It is essential that the pupil has immediate access to their inhaler at all times.  Older children will generally be able to manage their inhaler themselves and should keep it with them.  For younger children the class teacher will keep the inhaler in the classroom.

Head Lice

Many children pick up head lice at school.  It is still a nation-wide problem but can be treated simply and effectively.  Supplies of the appropriate lotions are available on prescription.  Please let us know if your child is unlucky enough to suffer an infestation so we can inform other parents and endeavour to limit the spread.