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Vision, Ethos & Values

‘Shine like stars and become light in our world’

Philippians 2:15


'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'

John 8:12


'Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven’.

Matthew 5:14

Our dynamic vision is to support each person at Bletchingdon School to become a well-rounded human being through:

  • belonging to and serving a community
  • growing spiritually
  • understanding how to be an engaged life-long learner
  • experiencing aspirational and leadership opportunities

Our Christian Values and Ethos


Shine like Stars and become Light in our World.

At Bletchingdon we aspire for every individual to shine like a star by being the best they can be for themselves and for others. Following the example of Jesus, ‘The light of the world’, to love each other and to love God in order to live life to the full.

As an inclusive school we drive this vision through our core values of -

Love – the heartfelt will for the best for someone or something, forgiving and overcoming differences, and showing understanding and support where needed. Love for yourself, for others and for some the love of God.

‘Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ John 3:18

Courage – always to try, to recognise failure as a step towards success, to be resilient and to reflect. To overcome fear to do the right thing, speak the truth and to be oneself.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ Joshua 1:9

Community (Koinonia) – a relationship we have with each other (and for some with God) where, as a community we look after each other and we are welcomed and accepted no matter who we are.

‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Leviticus 19:18


We welcome each child as an individual to our school.  We aim to enable them to shine with focus and purpose, to feel safe and valued, to experience compassion and joy, and to feel confident to be a part of and contribute to our local community and the wider world. We also welcome their families as an active part of our community.

Our Christian Ethos provides a foundation for children to grow in body, mind and spirit.  Children are enabled in their study of religion to become critical in their questioning and discussion of faith.  They celebrate diversity and evaluate their own perception, while respecting the views of others. School life is enriched with the yearly cycle of Christian festivals, with the children being encouraged to consider the significance of faith in the modern world and how it can illuminate our lives.

Children are emboldened to explore, revelling in discovery. They engage creatively with learning, adapting their approach until success is gained. Each child journeys through a curriculum carefully constructed to motivate and challenge, invigorated by a sense of collective experience. Knowledge and skills are firmly embedded within a cohesive framework across the curriculum. Children strengthen their learning by forging links within and between subjects, with independence enabling children to take ownership of their own learning.

Many leadership opportunities are offered to staff and children as vehicles for growth and as ways in which we can serve others in roles such as mentors, buddies, council members, or team leaders.

Through aspirational activities and extra and varied support all pupils are challenged to excel.  Parental engagement means expectations are raised and families inspired to enjoy the challenge and excitement of learning and living.

All are supported and encouraged to develop their skills and talents so they can become light in the world.


"I see it as a nice good, friendly school." Darcey Y5