Newsletter 19th April 2024

19th Apr 2024

Welcome back!

Robins: This half term, we will be learning all about minibeasts! This week, we learnt about the story ‘Snail Trail’ by Ruth Brown. We learnt about the adventure the snail went on, all around the garden! We discovered lots of snails around our school grounds and decided to take them back to class to investigate! We were excited to see the different patterns on their shells and noticed that each snail had a unique pattern of their own! We also learnt that the slimy trail they leave behind is mucus! We came into school this week, to find a new and exciting roleplay area in our classroom! We have our very own Minibeast Investigation Lab, where we can go and become scientists! In the lab, we are busy finding out about different insects!

Woodpeckers: we started the term looking at the book Martha Maps it Out by Leigh Hodgkinson. We loved looking exploring the maps of different parts of Martha's life. We then thought about making our own map using adjectives to describe ourselves, and statements and questions to describe our thoughts. We then put these together and made our own beautiful and insightful maps. In Maths this week we have been working on addition and subtraction. Year 2 were adding and subtracting using tens and ones, and year 1 were adding using known number bonds. We started our new topic 'We are Geographers' this week by learning about compass points and using them to navigate to the pirate's treasure. We then designed our own treasure maps. In Science this week we started to think about famous Scientists and inventors. In PSHE this week we thought about communities, and how we can help in the school community.

Kingfishers: This week in English, we began to explore our new text this term, Escape from Pompeii. In Maths, we learnt how to use the grid method for multiplication and how to do short multiplication. In Topic, we created a mind map of everything we know about the Romans so far and we learnt lots of facts about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. In Science, we also created a mind map about our teeth and healthy living and recapped our knowledge of omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. In RE, we looked at our Big Question and thought about what it means. In PSHE, we discussed the importance of personal space and respect other people’s bodies. We explored different scenarios and what we would do. Please refer to the school website for information regarding school trips, homework and MTC information!

Owls: This week we began to think about our new piece of writing – writing from different points of view. We are using a section from our class novel – Skellig – to base our writing on. In Maths we are investigating shapes, angles, symmetry and reflection. In RE we began our new topic – religious journeys and thought about what a pilgrimage is. We are coming to the end of our suffragette topic in History and this week we looked at jobs women would have done pre-war, during the war then post-war. We also made suffrage rosettes. In Science we started to look at Evolution and began to explore the evolutionary tree. In computing we looked at flow charts as a precursor to using different coding systems. In PSHE we start to look at what makes up our identity.

Change of Date 

Our May Day celebration has been moved back a week, from Wednesday 1st May to Wednesday 8th May at 2pm in the playground. The ‘court’ (Year 6 children) will be announced soon. Fingers crossed for no rain!

A healthy school

As a healthy school we encourage healthy eating, can we remind you that children should have fruit at break time and no chocolate bars either at break or in their lunch box. Grapes and tomatoes present a choking hazard, if you put some in your child’s lunch box, please can you ensure they are halved or quartered. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!


Summer 1 Dates

School Value – Resilience             British Value – Individual liberty

Friday 26th May: Woodpeckers and Robins Shining Star Showcase 9am

Wednesday 8th May: May Day Dancing 2pm in school

Thursday 9th May: Kingfisher trip to Chedworth Roman Villa

Week beginning 13th may: KS2 SATs

Friday 17th May: Big Question

Week beginning 20th May: Arts week

Tuesday 21st May: Year 6 transition day to Marlborough 9:30 – 12:15pm

Friday 24th May: INSET

Monday 27th May:  Half term

Monday 3rd June: INSET

Tuesday 4th June: Return to school.